While INOVA has numerous locations throughout our area in Northern Virginia, INOVA’s internal procedure makes service at one specific location ideal and most efficient. Our understanding is that INOVA records are centrally managed which means that a subpoena served to any one of their many locations must adhere to their time-consuming, complicated internal procedure. It must be submitted to the appropriate department at headquarters, reviewed, possibly sent back to the individual location, and then they respond to the documents. We cut down the delay by serving all documents to the appropriate department at headquarters. Headquarters currently only accepts service of process on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They also relocated their headquarters and are no longer located at 8110 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church VA 22042.
If you need a records subpoena, witness subpoena for an INOVA doctor, or other legal documents served on INOVA in Virginia, please contact Cavalier today for efficient, cost-effective process service.